The BEST Squarespace templates for a DIY site that doesn’t look or feel homemade
So I started looking at website templates, and there are options, my friend. To be honest, I was a little overwhelmed by the choices available but I knew immediately when I had found the one! 23&9 Creative is a bright and cheery (and easy to navigate) site with template designs I loved and so much personality! I felt like Chelsea was holding my hand through the entire shopping process. Truly an A+ for customer experience!
Long-Term vs Short-Term Marketing: Ginger Biz Podcast
“Joining me today is marketing expert Ashley Greeno. She shares what has taken her from a budding entrepreneur to a mind blowing marketing expert where she experiences reply rates and returns much higher than the industry norm.
We talk about what it’s like to get started in your marketing efforts to overcoming some of its struggles, like the uncomfortable feeling of being too salesy. Listen as we learn so much from Ashley!” -Katy Murray, The Ginger Biz Podcast
The Simplest Way for Freelancers to Generate Leads
Without a solid marketing plan your business will always struggle to make enough money. Marketing might not be your favorite part of freelancing or running a business — but it’s not going anywhere!
Get Organized, Save Time and Book More Clients!
Have you ever found yourself staying up late, replying to emails or scrambling between documents trying to find the info you need for a client? (Don’t worry, it’s a VERY relatable struggle for service providers, freelancers, and agency owners.)
No matter what stage you’re at in your business, it can be hard to set boundaries for your work. That’s why it’s so important to find tools that help you to be more efficient with your time!
How to Validate Rich Pins for Your Pinterest Account
How to claim your Squarespace website on Pinterest
Squarespace and Pinterest work really well together for a seamless experience, even for beginner-level DIYers (aka no coding or tags required). Just follow the steps to connect your accounts.
Freelance Marketing 101: How to pitch your services to dream clients
Freelancers and service providers just want to book new clients consistently, but keeping up with social media trends can be exhausting… and if you’re just getting started you might not have the budget for ads or the time to wait for a long-term marketing strategy to start working.
Using Pinterest to Expand Your Wealth: The Wealthy Woman Podcast
It's possible that you have a valuable marketing tool at your fingertips and you don't even know it. If you want to learn about the power of Pinterest beyond pinning pretty pictures, today's episode is for you!
Believe it or not, there is a correct way to Pin. Yes, you can use Pinterest to create boards with home decor and recipes, but there is much more to Pinterest. There are ways you as a creative entrepreneur can utilize Pinterest to boost your marketing efforts. Ashely Greeno is on the show today to share how!
How to Claim Your Squarespace Website on Pinterest
How to claim your Squarespace website on Pinterest
Squarespace and Pinterest work really well together for a seamless experience, even for beginner-level DIYers (aka no coding or tags required). Just follow the steps to connect your accounts.
6 Things You Need to Know to Create a Successful Marketing Strategy in 2023
Without a solid marketing plan your business will always struggle to make enough money. Marketing might not be your favorite part of freelancing or running a business — but it’s not going anywhere!
The ONE Thing Your Goals Are Missing
Find clarity, create a vision, and set clear goals to manifest your dream business and achieve your wildest dreams in the new year.
December social media content ideas: Marketing for freelancers, service providers, and creative business owners
An entire month of content ideas for December. Use this list to inspire your email marketing, Instagram, and Pinterest marketing. Use my simple content creation system to plan out the whole month in just an hour or two!
November social media content ideas: Marketing for freelancers, service providers, and creative business owners
An entire month of content ideas for November. Use this list to inspire your email marketing, Instagram, and Pinterest marketing. Use my simple content creation system to plan out the whole month in just an hour or two!
How (and Why) to Use an Interact Quiz for Lead Generation and Sales
Last year I designed my first quiz to help with lead generation and offer sales (aka a lead magnet). Since I talk a lot about lead generation, marketing, and sales… I decided I should share my favorite — quizzes! Here’s why I love them (& how to make your own).
October social media content ideas: Marketing for freelancers, service providers, and creative business owners
An entire month of content ideas for October. Use this list to inspire your email marketing, Instagram, and Pinterest marketing. Use my simple content creation system to plan out the whole month in just an hour or two!
September Content Ideas for Bakers, Makers and Creative Business Owners
An entire month of content ideas for September. Use this list to inspire your email marketing, Instagram, and Pinterest marketing. Use my simple content creation system to plan out the whole month in just an hour or two!
You can Be a Creative AND a Profitable Business Owner
Have you ever struggled with labeling yourself a business owner? Maybe you're comfortable calling yourself a creative, but not really an entrepreneur... or an artist, but not a business person — it's definitely possible to be BOTH creative & business minded. I’ve learned to be brave and confident and take ownership of what I’m building, and you can too!
3 Books Every Small Business Owner Should Read
A not-so-fun fact of entrepreneurship: Sometimes you just feel STUCK. It happens to the best of us - life gets busy or stressful, you lose a favorite client, or you lose your creative inspiration.
So how do you navigate these low seasons when you run a business that relies on your creativity? Try these must read books for creative entrepreneurs…
August Content Ideas for Bakers, Makers and Creatives
An entire month of content ideas for August. Use this list to inspire your email marketing, Instagram, and Pinterest marketing. Use my simple content creation system to plan out the whole month in just an hour or two!