Stop struggling to book clients!

Confidently pitch your offers to dream clients & get more bookings, with the exact method I used to generate over $2500 in 30 days.

(As a brand new freelancer.)



You want to book clients consistently, but you’re absolutely sick of trying to keep up with social media trends… and you don’t have the budget for ads or the time to wait for long-term marketing strategies.

It’s a bummer — I get it!

Hey, I’m Ashley by the way. I’m an extrovert and a natural connector, so networking

and meeting new clients has always been my favorite part of growing a business.

But I didn’t realize until recently that I’m the minority.

I was chatting with a friend (who also happens to be a mentor for design freelancers) and she asked how I was growing my marketing business so quickly. When I told her my leads were 100% from cold emails (messages sent to strangers) she couldn’t believe it! She said that finding clients is the #1 struggle hears about from students.

So I’m unlocking my secrets! I want to help you learn how to invite people to work with you (instead of waiting around to be discovered). 

Gif of marketing strategist and Booking Magic creator, Ashley Greeno, waving hello.



A collection of my highest-converting email templates — designed to help you turn cold leads into paying customers… fast!

It’s the ultimate system to help you launch or level-up your service based business in 10 days or less. No social media content plans or paid ads needed.

What could you say YES to if you had enough client work?

Three months after I started freelancing, my husband was offered a job on the island of Oahu. This move had been our dream for years, but for us to say “yes” I needed to increase my income quickly!

I had the long-term social media strategies in place, but I needed to bump up my client base asap… so I went with what I knew: cold emails. So I started reaching out to strangers, creating connections, and inviting them to book my services.

That’s how I was able to double my monthly revenue from $4,000-$8,000 in just 30 days!

Are you ready for these kinds of results?



  • you’re sick of the social media cycle, or just don’t have time to wait for a solid content strategy to gain momentum

  • you dream of being booked up, but you can’t quite crack the code on finding new clients consistently

  • you have a marketing budget of $0.00 and you need clients ASAP

  • you’re a creative freelancer or service provider who knows you could use your skills to make a consistent income

  • you feel exhausted by reels and tiktoks and whatever else new trends keep popping up

Nodding your head? Then it’s time.

Time to stop hiding behind a passive social media strategy.


  • had a steady income each month to support yourself and your fam

  • knew how to book new clients with an actionable strategy and proven method

  • felt confident putting yourself out there to connect with new dream clients

  • knew how to sign clients that are a perfect fit… on demand

It’s time to stop struggling to book clients and use the exact framework I used to generate my first TWO paying clients in just 10 days!


High-Converting Email Templates

Whether you’re just getting your freelance business off the ground, or you have a proven offer and just need more clients – these email templates are for you!

They’ll tell you exactly what to say, in what order + give you examples so you never have to stare at the blank screen wondering what to say again.

And they aren’t just any old “plug and play” templates either. I created a step-by-step plan to help you find a never-ending supply of qualified cold leads, personalize your outreach to stand out from the crowd, and track your success.

And it’s not just one email… you get:

  • The Cold Email

  • The Acquaintance Email

  • The Referral Email

  • The Follow Up Email

PLUS, a few more templates to help you take your outreach strategy to the next level:

  • The DM Template

  • The Client Outreach Spreadsheet

VIP Training

I’m not just gonna send you some files and hope for the best. No way — this is where Booking Magic is different from your average templates! I designed an exclusive training to help you learn the strategy behind direct outreach, and how to create meaningful connections with potential new clients.

Mindset, Motivation, & Pep Talks:

Here’s the deal, connecting with cold leads requires confidence… it can be super intimidating! I’m here to cheer you on throughout the whole process.


On top of the entire Booking Magic outreach system, I’m also throwing in 3 bonuses to help you fast-track your cold outreach results.

✨Bonus 1✨ 24 Places to Find Leads

My favorite resources, networking groups, and communities for connecting with potential clients — including links!

✨Bonus 2✨ Secrets to Help You Stand Out

Ready to accelerate your closing rate even MORE? These 3 secrets will take your cold email outreach from hot to fire… (Please forgive the puns. I know it’s silly, but I really mean it about these tips. You need them.)

✨Bonus 3✨ Dream Client Workbook

Connection is the key to conversion. The Dream Client workbook will help you get crystal clear about exactly who you want to work with… which makes finding and attracting them THAT much easier!

Ready to book your next client in 10 days or less?

Image shows a breakdown of everything you can access with the Booking Magic and their combined value of $929 - and the total price is only $37.

Still have questions? Email me: