3 Books Every Small Business Owner Should Read
A not-so-fun fact of entrepreneurship: Sometimes you just feel STUCK.
It happens to the best of us - life gets busy or stressful, you lose a favorite client, or you lose your creative inspiration.
So how do you navigate these low seasons when you run a business that relies on your creativity?
It took several months of counseling for me to realize this one life-changing truth:
You're never truly stuck.
The choices are YOURS to make... some of them are hard choices, and some of them might disappoint other people. But that mindset shift can send you down a new path.
Personally, I chose to grieve the pregnancies I wouldn't have, so I could heal and enjoy the family I DO have. I chose to step back from a belief system that told me I wasn't good enough, so I could explore spirituality in a way that felt empowering and truly freeing. I chose to take what I learned from my failed past business attempts, and keep trying... which led to Ten Thousand Cookies — and now Ashley Greeno Marketing. It's amazing to me how it all came together to create this beautiful thing!
But it took time — and throughout those years of growth and exploration I did a lot of reading. These 3 books were the most influential in a time when I needed help choosing courage over fear. I felt scared and stuck, and these amazing authors gave me a new vocabulary and inspired me to be brave.
I hope you love them as much as I do!
Read These Books When You Feel Stuck or Scared in Your Business
Can you have a book list about courage that DOESN'T include Brene Brown? She's the queen of vulnerability and bravery, and one of my favorite authors ever. I would recommend reading everything she's ever written, but that might be overwhelming. So just start here:
Most of Brene's work centers around vulnerability, and the rewards we find when we're willing to take risks and lean into our fears. But I especially love Rising Strong, because it's all about how to start again, AFTER failing. Because is inevitable when we're living our best lives, but we can learn to look at the fall as chance to learn and start again stronger!
Rising Strong by Brene Brown
“How the ability to reset transforms the way we live, love, parent, and lead.”
I'm sure you know her from SNL and Mean Girls. Yes, she's hilarious, but did you also know she's ridiculously inspiring? Bossypants made me laugh out loud multiple times, but it also made me feel seen and understood in a powerful way.
Tina has a gift for sharing an embarrassing story in a way that makes you laugh until you're crying, and then somehow you totally relate and your empowered and you want to go make your dreams come true. It's a real gift.
Bossypants by Tina Fey
“Tina Fey reveals all, and proves what we've always suspected: you're no one until someone calls you bossy.”
You Are a Badass. If it sounds more like a pep talk from your best friend, than a self-help book... that's because it is. :) Jen Sincero is hilarious, honest, relatable, and talks about growth and courage in a way that's not weird or intimidating.
You Are a Badass, by Jen Sincero
I mean the tagline says it all: How to stop doubting your greatness and start living an awesome life.
You are a Badass by Jen Sincero
“How to stop doubting your greatness and start living and awesome life.”
I know you’ll love these as much I did (and still do — I'm always going back to these books). And if you're in the thick of it, and feeling overwhelmed with fear and self-doubt: You are not alone! Find a copy of one of these and just know that we've all been there. There is SO MUCH waiting for you on the other side. :)
Must-Read Books for Creative Entrepreneurs
Pin this post to remember these recommendations for later!
**PS these links are to my amazon store, so I do get a small commission if you buy through the link. But the books themselves are truly my very favorite! And if you want even MORE books to be inspired and encouraged by, check out my entire book store.
Now what should you do next in your small business?
Hopefully you’re feeling inspired… awesome! Next step - TAKE ACTION. Schedule a free call so we can chat about your options for your business. Not sure where you should be promoting your business? Check out this post to find out which social media platform is best for your creative business.