Pinterest Marketing for Beginners

You know you want to use Pinterest to market your business and find more clients consistently, but you’re feeling overwhelmed and have no idea where to start. So let’s start with the basics - What should you be promoting on Pinterest? (The answer might be simpler than you think.)

First, there are 3 reasons to be on Pinterest as a business owner… (spoiler alert: they’re the same reasons for doing any social media marketing). 

  1. Establish credibility

    People want to buy from business owners they like, know, and trust

  2. Build or grow a community of potential clients

    “If you build it, they will come” - If you grow your list and provide value, you will grow a community of potential customers

  3. Sell your shit.

    I mean that’s the point after all, right?!

But what exactly can you share on Pinterest to help you accomplish those things? 

I’m so glad you asked! Pinterest Marketing Strategy is about repurposing the content you already have… that’s one of the reasons I love it so much! Here are four ways you can share a ton of value and attract dreamy clients and customers on Pinterest:

  1. Your Products or Services

    How does your product or service help your customers? You can pin directly to your product or service pages on your site (or Etsy products!). Just remember to think about it from your client’s perspective. What solutions are they searching for and how can your services solve their problems or make their life easier?

  2. Your Process 

    Think “How-To” or “Behind the Scenes” videos and blogs - These give loads of value and keep people coming back to learn more.

  3. Freebies & Lead Magnets

    Establish your expertise AND grow your email list. Win-Win!

  4. Your content

    Blog posts, youtube videos, podcasts… Anything that provides value to your potential customers and solves their problems or answers their questions. 

What do you need to do in order to make consistent sales from Pinterest traffic?

  1. Make a strategy!

    Winging it won’t work. ;) Be sure to check out this blog post next for some great Pinterest strategies!

  2. Create beautiful pins

    Did you know that you need at least FIVE different pins per piece of content?  Don’t be conservative here.  Want to do 10 or 20? GO FOR IT!  Just make them bold, beautiful, and clear to read.

  3. Write killer captions

    Beautiful pins will grab their attention, but a great caption will get the click and the save. The perfect caption starts with a HOOK to grab the reader’s attention, contains relevant keywords to help the algorithm categorize the post, and ends with a call to action (“click to read more” or “save for later”).

  4. Use good keywords and hashtags

    This takes a bit of research, but think about this from your customer's perspective.  What are THEY searching for?  What words are THEY using? 3-5 keywords and hashtags are a good place to start and can often be re-used in most of your pins.


    If you can only commit to 2 pins per day right now, that’s fine. Eventually, you’ll increase that number (or outsource to a Pinterest pro) but start where you can and stick to it.

You’ve got this!

Need more help?

CLICK HERE to get a free Pinterest audit to help you get started.


Read this: How Pinterest Can Send Dream Clients to Your Creative Business on Autopilot

Let’s connect:

Book a call:  Let’s work together!

Depending on how much time you have to learn you might love jumping in and running your own Pinterest marketing strategies, or you might rather outsource to a pro. Either way, I would love to help!

Need help creating a customized online marketing strategy to take your creative business to the next level? I am here to make your life easier & your online game stronger! Grab your free 15-minute call now!


June Content Ideas for Bakers, Makers and Creatives


8 Pinterest Marketing Strategies for Creative Business